Page:Way for to woo.pdf/5

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Waves are rising o’er the sea, &c.
Waves are rising o’er the sea, &c.
An’ gin ye loe me as ye say ye winna gae and leave me.

O never mair bonny lassie will I gang & lea thee
Never mair bonny lassie, &c.
Never mair bonny lassie, &c.
E’en let the warld gae as it will I’ll came again an’ cheer thee.

Frae his hand he coost the stick, I winna gang and leave thee,
Threw his plaid into the neuk never can I grieve thee,
Drew his boots, an’ flang them by, come my lass be cheerie,
I’ll kiss the tear frae aff thy cheek an’ never leave my dearie.


Amo Amas, I love a lass,
As a cedar tall and slender,
Sweet cowslips grace her nominative case,
And she’s of the feminine gender.


Rorum Corum, sunt di-vorum,

Harum scarum Divo;