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your good companions. Take head of paying your rent to a wrong landlord: when you taste of the stream, reflect upon the spring that feeds it. Now thou hast four eyes for thy speculation, four hands for thy operation, four feet for thy abulation, and four shoulders for thy sustentation. What the sin against tho Holy Ghost is, in point of divinity, that is unthankfulness, in point of morality, an offenco unpardonable. Pity it is, but that moon should bo ever in an eclipse, that will not acknowledgo her beams to be borrowed from the sun. He that praises not the giver, prizes not tho gift. And so I pass from the Agent to the Object, A help.

She must be so much, and no less; and so much, and no more. Our ribs were not ordained to be our rulers. They aro not made of tho head, to claim superiority; but out of the side, to be content with equality. They desert the Author of nature, who invert the order of nature. The woman was made for the man's comfort, but tho man was not made for the woman's command. Those Shoulders aspiro too high, that content not themselves with a room below their heads. It is between a man and his wife in tho house, as it is between the sun and tho moon in the heavens, when the greater light goes down tho lesser light gets up; when the one ends in setting, the other begins in shining. The wifo may bo a sovereign in her husband's absenco, but sho must be subject in her husband's presenco. As Pharaoh said to Joseph, so should tho husband say to his wife, thou shalt bo over my house, and aceording to thy word shall all my peoplo bo ruled, only on the throno will I be greater than thou,” Gen. xli. 40. Tho body of that household can nover mako any good motion, whose bones are out of placo