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2. A help to his society, by the fragrantness of her conversation. Man is an affectionate creature; now tho woman's behaviour should be such towards the man, as to requite his affection by increasing his delectation; that the new-born lovo may not be ruined before it be rooted. A speuse should carry herself so to her husband, as not to disturb his love by her contention, nor to destroy his love by her alineation. Husband and wife should be like two candles burning together, which makes the house mere lightsome; or like two fragrant flowers bound up in one nosegay, that augments its sweetness; or like two well-tuned instruments, which sounding together, make the more melodious music. Husband and wife, what are they but as two springs meeting, and so joining their streams, that they make but one curreut? It is an unpleasing spectacle to view any contention in that conjunction.

3. To his progeny, by the fruitfulness of her education; that so her children in the flesh may be God's children in the spirit, 1 Sam. i. 11. Hannah she vows, if the Lord will give her a son, she would give him to the Lord, to serve him. A spouse should be more careful of her children's breeding, than she should be fearful of her children's bearing. Take heed, lest these flowers grow in the devil's garden.—Though you bring them out in corruption, yet do not bring them up to damnation!—Those aro net mothers but monsters, that whilst they should be teaching their children the way to heaven with their lips, aro leading them the way to hell with their lives. Good education is the bost livery you can give them living; and it is the best legacy you can leave them dying. You let out your cares to make them great, O lift up