Page:Wedding-ring fit for the finger.pdf/15

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impedimentum, &c. But surely he was a monster and not a man; fitter for a tomb to bury him, than a womb to bear him. Some have styled them to be like clouds in the sky; liko motes in tho sun; like snuffs in the candle; like weeds in the garden. But it is not good to play the butcher with that naked sex, that hath no arms but for embraces. A preacher should not be silent for those who are silent from preaching: because they are the weaker vessels, shall they be broken all to pieces? Thou that sayest women aro evil, it may bo thy expression flows from thy experience; but I shall never take that mariner for my pilot, that hath no better knowledgo than the splitting of his own ship. Wilt thou condemn the frame of all, for tho fault of one? As if it were true logic, because somo are evil therefore none are good. He hath ill eyos that disdains all objects. To blast thy helper is to blamo thy Maker. In a word, we took our rise from their bowels, and may tako our rest in their bosoms.

2. Is tho woman to be a help to the man? Then let tho man be a help to the woman. What makes some debtors to be such ill pay-masters, but because they look at what is owing to them, but not at what is owing by them. If thou wouldst havo thy wife's reverenco, let her have thy respect. To force a tear from this relation, is that which neither benefits the husband's authority to enjoin nor tho wife's duty to perform. A wife must not be sharply driven, but sweetly drawn. Compassion may bend her, but compulsion will break her. Husband and wife should act towards each other with consent, not by constraint. There are four things wherein the husband is a meet-help to the wifo.