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in possession, but his love another in reversion.

2. In heraldry of her condition. Some of our European nations are so strict in their junctions, that it is against their laws for the commonality to couplo with the gentry. It was well said by one, “If the wife be too much above her husband, she either ruins him by her vast expenses, or reviles him with her base reproaches; if sho be too mueh below her husband, oither her former condition makes her too generous, or her present mutation makes her too imperious."—Marriages are styled matches, yet amongst those many that are married, how few are thero that are matched! Husbands and wives are like locks and keys, that rather break than open, except the wards be answerable.

3. In the holiness of her religion. If adultery may seperate a marriage contracted, idolatry may hinder a marriage not perfected. Cattle of divers kinds were not to ingender. 2 Cor. vi. 14. Be not unequally yoked, &c. It is dangerous taking her for a wife, who will not tako God for a husband. It is not meet that one flesh should be of two spirits. Is there never a tree thou likest in the garden but that which bears forbidden fruit? Thero are but two channels in which the remaining streams shall run:—1. To those men that want wives, how to choose them. 2. To thoso women who have husbands, how to use them.

Marriago is the tying of such a knot, that nothing but death can unloose. Common reason suggests so mueh, that wo should be long a-doing that whieh can but once be done. Whero one design hath been graveled in tho sands of delay thousands havo been split on tho rock of precipitance. Rash adventures yield gain. Opportunities are not liko tides, that when ono is past,