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voyage, ho that enters into this ship, must look to meet with storms and tempests, 1 Cor. vii. 20. They that marry shall have trouble in the flesh. Flesh and trouble are married together, whether we marry or no; now a bitter cup is too much to be drunk by one mouth. A heavy burthen is easily earried by assistaneo of other shoulders. Husband and wifo should neither be proud flesh, nor dead flesh. You are fellow-members, therefore you should have a fellow-feeling. While one stands safe on the shore, pity should be shown to him that is toast on the sea. Sympathy in suffering is like a dry house in a wet day.

3. Choose such a one as may be serviceable to your salvation. A man may think he hath a saint, when he hath a devil; but tako heed of a harlot, that is false to thy bed; and of a hypocrite, that is false to thy God.

2. To those women who havo husbands, how to use them. In two things.

1. Carry yourselves towards them with obedience. Let their power command you, that their praise may commend you. Though you may have your husband's heart, yet you should lovo his will Till the husband leaves commanding, the wife must never leave obeying. As his injunctions must be lawful, so her subjection must bo loyal.

2. With faithfulness. In creation, God made not woman for many men, or many women for one man. Every wife should be to her husband as Eve was to Adam, a whole world of women; and every husband should be to his wife as Adam was to Eve, a whole world of men. When a river is divided into many channels, the main current starves.

To conclude, Good servants are a great blessing; good children a greater blessing; but a good wife