Page:Wedding-ring fit for the finger.pdf/23

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in tho sight of all, clotho you with the garment of salvation, and cover you with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom is decked with ornaments, and as a bride is adorned with her Jewels. Amen



Her general style of conversation runs on the inconveniences to be expected from this or that circumstance, and no one is so ingenious in extracting unsuspected evil from plans of the fairest promise. Is the weather fine, and a walk mentioned—It is hot—it is dusty—the wind is in tho east—there was rain in the morning—it will be dirty—or it will rain before wo reach home. Is she to go out in the carriage; one road is too long for the horses—another is unpleasant—another unsafe—and, in short, nono are exactly right. Yot sho goes on these proposed expeditions, after all possibility of pleasure has been reasoned and anticipated away. If she is going out to dinner, sho is sure tho company will be unpleasant—the servants will get drunk—sho shall bo robbed, or overturned in coming home. If she is to have a party at home, she knows every thing will go wrong—nobody will be amusing—the time will hang heavy—tho people will go away, execrating the stupidity of the visit. If sho sees any lady employed about a piece of work, sho prognosticates