VERMONT, Rutland County, Middletown Springs, Middletown Springs Historic District, East, North, South, & West Sts., Montvert Ave., & Schoolhouse Rd. (10/17/85)
The following property was also entered in the National Register but was excluded from a previous notice:
NEW HAMPSHIRE, Rockingham County, Portsmouth, Porter, General, House, 32—34 Livermore St. (10/11/85)
CORRECTION: The following property was erroneously listed in the National Register of Historic Places and has been removed:
IOWA, Lee County, Keokuk, Brown, Dr. Frank, Home, 318 N. 5th St. (10/11/85)
CORRECTION: The name of the following property appeared erroneously on the National Register list of September 27, 1985. The correct name should read:
MARYLAND, Kent County, Chestertown vicinity, SILVER HEEL (log canoe) (Chesapeake Bay Sailing Log Canoe Fleet TR), Quaker Neck Landing
The following property has been removed from the National Register of Historic Places:
WASHINGTON, Kitsap County, Port Orchard, Sidney Hotel-Navy View Apartments, 700 Prospect St. (10/07/85)
The location of the property below appeared erroneously on the National Register list of April 10, 1984. The correct location should read as follows:
MISSISSIPPI, Washington County, Greenville vicinity, Griffin-Spragins House, SW of Greenville off US 82
Additional information has been accepted for the properties below effective as follows:
PENNSYLVANIA, Adams County, Gettysburg, Gettysburg Battlefield Historic District, (10/16/85)
IDAHO, Clearwater County, Weippe, Brown's Creek CCC Camp Barracks, 105 First St. East (10/03/85)
Confirmation for the previously listed property below has been accepted effective as follows:
MASSACHUSETTS, Middlesex County, Lowell, Lowell National Historical Park, Roughly bounded by Northern, Eastern, Hamilton, & Pawtucket Canals (10/18/85)
Multiple Resource Areas are identified by MRA
Thematic Resources are identified by TR
NHL designates a National Historic Landmark