Page:Weird Tales Volume 10 Number 4 (1927-10).djvu/5

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(Continued from Preceding Page)

Hunger John D. Swain 496

A five-minute story—a bizarre fantasy of the weird hallucinations that accompany extreme hunger

Folks Used to Believe:

Some "Old Masters" Alvin F. Harlow 498

Peculiar beliefs that were held by our ancesters

Loup-Garou Wallace West 499

A werewolf tale of old England—Gray Henry steals the Lady Constance and imprisons her in Castle Barnecan

Pickman's Model H. P. Lovecraft 505

Unutterable monstrosities crept out from the crumbling walls of the cellars in an old New England city

Obliteration Samuel M. Sargent, Jr. 514


The Poltergeist Seabury Quinn 515

An occult adventure of Jules de Grandin—an old-fashioned ghost-tale, with an unusual twist

The Red Brain Donald Wandrei 531

Great dust-clouds engulf the universe, and the Red Brain is created to drive back the swirling menace

A Problem of the Dark Frances Arthur 537

From the shades it came, this elemental being that threatened to choke the life out of Rob Dennison

The Bride of Osiris (Conclusion) Otis Adelbert Kline 542

An Egyptian serial story of Osiris, the Festival of Re, strange murders, and the dungeons of Karneter

Weird Story Reprint

The Old Nurse's Story Elizabeth C. Gaskell 553

Driven from home by an unrelenting father, the daughter and her child return from beyond the grave