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Weird Tales

magnificent pearl I had ever seen. Large us a small marble it was, with a pigeon's-neck luster and deep, opal-like fire-gleams in its depths which held the eyes in fascination as a magic crystal might hold a devotee enthralled. Ignorant as I was of such matters, I knew the thing must be worth at least thirty thousand dollars, perhaps twice that sum.

“To a pearl among women, a pearl among pearls,” de Grandin an nounced, taking Mutina’s little hand in his and kissing her painted linger tips, one after the other, then closing them about the lustrous gem. “Take you each other to yourselves, my friends,” he bade, “and may the good God bless you and yours for ever and always.”

Simply as a child, wholly unmindful of the rest of us, Mutina turned her lips for her husband's caress, and as she did so, I heard her murmur softly: “Laki kakasih amba kan puji sampei kakol—best beloved, husband and lover, forever and forever I adore thee!”


By Robert E. Howard

The green waves wash above us
Who slumber in the bay
As washed the tide of ages
That swept our race away.

Our cities—dusty ruins;
Our galleys—deep-sea slime;
Our very ghosts, forgotten,
Bow to the sweep of Time.

Our land lies stark before it
As we to alien spears,
But, ah, the love we bore it
Outlasts the crawling years.

Ah, jeweled spires at even—
The lute’s soft golden sigh—
The Lion-Gates of Knossos
When dawn was in the sky.

PERSONAL Appearance

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A Story of Whirhvind Action!

“The Moon Terror”