Page:Weird Tales Volume 30 Number 02 (1937-08).djvu/123

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The Mandarin's Ear

The illustration, by Finlay of course, for The Black Kiss is undoubtedly one of the best he's drawn. To me, that illustration in itself is well worth the price of the magazine. The rest of the illustrations are very good also. That detestable coupon should be obliterated. In that space could be printed a few more interesting letters to the Eyrie."

Late at Night

J. Z. Thompson writes from Glendale, California: "I am in agreement with the black boy who said 'There ain't no fun in a graveyard, gimme my flowers now.' And so in keeping, I want to hand Mr. John R. Speer a bouquet of orchids. Last night I drove into a little town that had pretty well gone to bed. I wanted something to read, and asked the night clerk if he could help out. He handed me a couple of magazines, one of which was Weird Tales. The other, a weekly, I'd read. I took one look at the cover of Weird Tales and said, 'Oh, one of those kind!' I said it with a distinct sneer. Well, I had nothing else to read, so I started Symphony of the Damned. Now I'll tell you something, and this comes honestly and sincerely, straight from the shoulder: that story was one of the most pulse-pepping yarns I ever read. I've never before gone into that sort of story reading, but I'm a fan from now on. Speer has the unusual faculty of blending the impossible into an unbelievable realism. His lines sort of say, 'Of course I’m not trying to make you believe all this,' and then I can just imagine him grinning and saying, 'But you know it might be true.' I extend to your publication my sincerest wishes for a continued success; and a well deserved one."


Melville S. Church, of Washington, D. C., writes: "Having read in your current issue of the untimely death of H. P. Lovecraft, please allow me to express my deep sorrow at our mutual loss. I sincerely believe that the works of Mr. Lovecraft will go down in the field of weird literature as surpassing those of Poe, and all contemporary authors. Mr. Lovecraft, in my humble opinion, was a real creative artist, and his creations will live in our memory for ever. I have just completed the current (June) issue, and find it


One Year (12 issues @ 25c = $3.00—YOU SAVE 50c) $2.50

Two Yeoas (24 issues @ 25c = $6.00—YOU SAVE $2.00) $4.00

Three Years (36 issues @ 25c = $9.00—YOU SAVE $4.00) $5.00

To any address in the United States or possessions
Central America, Cuba, Mexico, South America and Spain

For Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador add 25c a year extra for postage. To all other countries add 50c a year extra for postage.


WEIRD TALES, 840 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Enclosed find $. . . . . . . . . . for which please enter my subscription to WEIRD TALES for . . . . . . . . . . years to begin with the September issue.



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