Page:Weird Tales Volume 4 Number 4 (1924-12).djvu/108

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I might say that I reclined on air, for my body seemed to have no weight and no substance. Harold’s face was just as it had been during his earthly life, with this difference: there were no angles, no protuberances, in a countenance which had always looked bizarre. When I killed him, he was between thirty and forty. His eyes were blue, with a slightly sardonic expression. He was clean-shaven and slightly bald. His face had all these characteristics still, but the animal traits had vanished. I realized that in spite of his bodily vesture he was a spirit.

His first words astounded me. Talk of forgiving injuries and loving your enemy!

"Harold, you are too kind to the scoundrel who took away your life," I faltered.

“Not at all," said Harold, and his smile grew warmer. "I often thought of suicide as a way out. Laura, you know, was a nuisance. She hated my ideas. She called them ‘nonsense’. She often told me I should become a stock broker instead of writing books that did not ‘pay’. Of course, she did not understand that I was indifferent to what men like you call success. I gradually came to the conclusion that the greatest curse is birth and that the true ideal is to cease to live. I treated her with scorn in order to make you attack me in her defense. It was all right."

I asked myself whether this was not a posthumous nightmare. The cordiality of my victim almost brought tears to my eyes. It was some time before I could utter a word.

"Anyhow, Harold, we are both dead now," I said.

"Yes, but we are saved."

The situation was becoming bewildering. "Saved!" How could we be saved? I asked him what he meant, and his smile became irresistible.

“I mean just what I say, Jack. Your worldly clergymen don’t come within a million miles of comprehending these things. God does not condemn human nature. He only condemns the distortion, the depravity, of human nature. My wife had an antipathy to my philosophy of life. She hated my views. You liked her (possibly, you would contend that you loved her) but I displeased, or rather horrified her. When I ‘insulted’ her, as she and you might have put it, you shot me. I wanted to die. Don’t you see, every one of us was right, according to our own logic?"

His Socratic convincingness made me feel, at the same time, intellectually satisfied and spiritually remorseful. Could it be that he was fooling me and that the course he was taking was the most subtle form of vengeance?


But it was soon manifest that Harold had spoken with a candor far greater than he had ever exhibited on earth. He now gently drew me from my reclining posture so that we moved forward arm in arm.

The landscape was beautiful. There were no fields, no trees, no streams, no houses; but Life in its fullest emanation filled my very soul with happiness.

"You now can do just as you like, Jack," said Harold. "We are free from the bonds of that world we have shaken off like the dust from our feet."

After a pause, he asked: "Would you go back to Laura, if you could?"

I felt myself a new man, a spirit growing out of the miserable bondage that is the lot of the human brute.

"No," I replied, emphatically. "For weeks before the end came, I had ceased to care for her.”

Then, in that world of spirits, we clasped hands.