Page:Weird Tales Volume 5 Number 6 (1925-06).djvu/4

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(Continued from Preceding Page)

The Clock Arthur Styron 382

A Five-Minute Story of a Terrible Obsession

The Soul That Waited Louis B. Capron 385

A Passion for a Mummy—a Love That Bridged the Centuries

An Arc of Direction Junius B. Smith 393

His Horoscope Said He Would Be Hanged on a Certain Day

Hurled Into the Infinite (First Part) J. Schlossel 397

Two-Part Astronomical Story

The Witch of Kravetz Michael V. Simko 415

A Barbarous Russian Custom—and a Famous Beauty

Lips of the Dead W. J. Stamper 422

A Gruesome Tale From the History of Haiti

The House, the Light, and the Man Gordon Philip England 427

A Specter Rose From the Coffin—and the Man's Mind Gave Way

Invaders From the Dark (Conclusion) Greye La Spina 431

Serial Novel of Werewolves and Occult Powers of Evil

Loo Tun Sin Everett Boston 450

The Dawn Clouded the Moon With Trouble, so Loo Marred the Dawn

Strange Tales From Santo Domingo Arthur J. Burks 453

No. 5. The Phantom Chibo.

The Bandit José Espinosa Lures His Victims to a Quagmire

Dead Hands Walter G. Detrick 458

They Stretched From the Grave, These Hands of His Grandmother

Servants of Satan Seabury Quinn 463

No. 4. George Burroughs, Martyr.

True Tale of New England Witchcraft

The Hanging of Aspara Leavenworth Macnab 468

Sensational Newspaper Hoaxes Give Tang to an Execution

The Eyrie 472

A Chat With the Readers

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