Page:Weird Tales Volume 5 Number 6 (1925-06).djvu/96

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by Greye La Spina

A Serial Novel

Author of “The Tortoise-Shell Cat,’ “The Remorse of Professor Panebianco,” etc.

Synopsis of Preceding Chapters

Sophie Delorme, coming to live with her niece, the young widow Portia Differdale, finds that noble woman engaged in carrying on her deceased husband's warfare against the unseen powers of evil.

The Russian Princess Irma Andreyevna Tchernova has come to live in the old Burnham mansion, accompanied by five pet wolves, which she keeps in a wolf-den in the Burnham grounds. She proceeds to flirt with Owen Edwardes, with whom Portia Differdale is in love.

Princess Tchernova excites the comment of the tradespeople by ordering great quantities of red meat, ostensibly for her wolves. She spreads the rumor abroad that Portia’s two magnificent wolfhounds are running wild at night. A few nights thereafter, Policeman O’Brien is attacked by a white animal, presumably a large dog, and severely bitten. The animal is put to rout by Portia’s two wolfhounds, Boris and Andrei. Portia’s mother-in-law and sister-in-law, as well as the princess, spread the rumor that it was one of Portia’s wolfhounds that attacked the policeman.

Portia suspects the princess of being an evil being, a werewolf, capable of metamorphosing herself into a wolf, and explains to her aunt the reasons for her belief. She suspects that the princess, in her mad infatuation for Owen Edwardes, plans to metamorphose him as her mate. Officer O’Brien, and later Officer Murphy, disappear while on duty. Portia and her aunt, spying on the princess, are pursued by some white animal, which Portia believes to be the princess in her werewolf form. After each of the disappearances, the princess cuts down her order for meat at the butcher’s.

Poisoned meat is thrown where the wolfhounds can get it, and Andrei eats some and dies. Shortly afterward, Minna Differdale, the child of Portia’s sister-in-law, disappears in the grounds of the princess’ home. The officers hear her scream, and rush to the place, but Minna has disappeared. They believe Minna has been abducted by a passing automobilist, but Portia thinks the princess, transformed into a wolf, has killed the girl.


PORTIA flung herself down upon the cushions near me, her eyes blazing with that somber light so unlike her usual gentle expression.

“Oh, it seems incredible! And yet—even the most skeptical would have to believe, after learning what I have learned. I must work hard from now on, or that fiend in human form will have gotten the best of us all—and that house will have become a veritable shambles. Ugh!”

“And Owen?”

She turned melting eyes upon me; her lips quivered until she drew them firmly together into a straight line.

“Owen, Auntie? Oh, he must be the least in my thoughts, Owen whom I love! It may be that I shall be called upon to sacrifice even Owen, to save others for whom I care nothing!”

“Portia! Sacrifice Owen?”

“Auntie, to snare that ancient evil I may be obliged to permit Owen to walk into her net. That’s what I mean. Don’t think I want to do it. God knows I don’t. But God knows, too, that from now on my life is dedi-