Page:Weird Tales Volume 7 Number 1 (1926-01).djvu/141

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a telephone? Do you deny absolutely the existence of spirit communication with the dead? Why shouldn't this thing be possible! I say it is.

"So, my friends, did Rolf Jaeke complete his revenge. One by one he took the souls of his victims and cast them out, captured the body and brain with his own soul and set them to do his will. Body and brain had to obey the driving power.

"Thus he caused Jason Andrews to kill a man, Dr. Linn to become a fiend, and so on. The one crime he was not guilty of directly was the death of the six. But in the day of judgment he must answer for this too, for had it not been for him they would not have become drunk and so gone to their deaths.

"Last of all he came for my father, the judge. Like a thief in the night he came. And I—I in my egotism—thought that I could combat him. I knew that armed force would not avail, but I thought the power of a trained mind could overcome his soul. I was wrong in my belief. I failed miserably.

"I sensed the soul coming. I tried to cast forth my own soul against the evil, but to no avail. In a trance I sat and knew full well that his soul was entering my father's body. I struggled. And I saw my father struggle. No man can dream what a struggle he made that night. I saw it. It is seared in my brain forever—what I saw. I saw an expression like the consuming canker of all the evil in the world come over his face. I saw his lips draw in a snarl. I saw the blood filter out of his face, leaving it gaunt and lined and mean. I saw him reach for the revolver in the desk. My God, why didn't I remember to take it out? I saw him grin malevolently at me as he raised the gun to shoot me. And I prayed God in that moment that he would kill


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