Page:Weird Tales v02 n01 (1923-07-08).djvu/97

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through his veins. Before him, in the dusk, the lights of illusion twinkled in the windows of the mansion. Brown smoke twisted lazily upward from its chimney—the smoke of long ago. With a cry, he ran back. He knocked at the door.

Though his hand clutched at his heart, the action was instinctive. He was not aware. He knocked again, until the echoes, an eager, hurrying throng, danced up and down the hallways. He thundered once more, and, with the other hand, tore away his collar.

Within, light, lilting footsteps responded. Chains were loosened. A bolt shot back. The door opened.

He was content merely to stand motionless a moment, and look; but it was his soul which looked. For that part of him which had been old and forgetful, subject to time and disease,—had fallen heavily across the threshold.

Death Held No Terror
for Bernhardt

THE death of Mme, Sarah Bernhardt recalls her uncommon attitude toward the King of Terrors. Years ago, she made complete arrangements for her funeral and burial, and even went so far as to purchase the coffin in which she desired to be buried. For her final resting place she chose a wild spot on Belle Isle—an enormous pile of jagged rocks, reaching high into the air above the Atlantic Ocean and forming a natural monument.

Thirty years ago she bought a rosewood coffin and lined it with mauve satin, and announced that she would be buried in it. She often slept in the coffin, remarking, "Death must hold no terrors." Thus the expression "Sarah Bernhardt's Coffin," came to mean in Paris anything weird or uncanny.

Few people realize that there is a very important reason why tears are salty. Nature made them that way because of the fact that since all the fluids of the body are salty and the tissues themselves contain salt, pure water would irritate the delicate membrane of the eye.

Aviators have sometimes asked why they cannot see the earth revolve when they are flying far above it. This is simply because the air with which the earth is surrounded revolves with it, carrying along the birds and anything else above our sphere. In order to escape this influence entirely, an aviator would have to rise at least several hundred miles.