FAT the ENEMY that is shortening Your Life BANISHED/ BY DISSOLVING THE YEAST CELLS THAT MAKE AN ALCOHOL DISTILLERY OF YOUR STOMACH The fat in your body is caused a eae chemical process, NO ee eer oe ee enecnt Been Deca ALCOHOL. When sicohol gets GUARANTEED fatty tissue is made ins! healthy, lean res oe muscle, Fat pe ‘) even though they be HARMLESS TOTAL ABSTAINERS have four b yeast cells (or more) in their stomachs— igh to make 4 s * ounces of alcohol aday. Destroy this excess of yeast cells and , medi iy destroy Fat at source! you immediate]; NO DIET-NOBATHS-NO EXERCSE! Dr. R, L. Graham's marvelous pre- | on the body, Neutroids are peracnally quar- scription known as NEUTROIDS, | ster inca can eas lestroys the yeast cells, s co~ |. ermore, uaranteed to contain Hotiaton and eatgcen at, ther fo: nothyraid extract no gemcol laxatives, #0 conve! > arried in vi abit -formin; Don’ or hand bag. Neutroids are Composed of Bother with dieting, baths Sor exercise when harmless ingredients that act only on the | Neutroids will accomplish better results yeast cells that make you fat and notdirectly | with no inconvenience. FREE stivice-tybr-crahenrsstatt™ R. Lincoln Graham, M. D., discoverer of the mar- velous prescription known as Neutroids, although a practising physician, has finally been prevailed upon to offer his precise remedy tothepublic. He jowever, that Neutroids must be only a T is fat-reducing service. You are to write him full: confidentially. Dr. Graham, or a member of Staff at his New York sanitarium will give careful = attention to your inquiries and write you a personal letter of advice. Anyone ordering Neutroids may use this service, SEND NO MONEY—SEND ONLY THIS COUPON Fill in and mailthiscoupon 7, to itarit I will send you two full weeks’ treatment of fat-reducin Neutroids. iy fo my sant only $2 (small portion, of my regular consult- - ing fee) plus 15 cents postage. “If the treatment not effect a satisfactory reduction, re- box S Lincoln Graham, M. D. San fast 89th St, 26, New York City:—Send me 2 weeks’ treatment Of Neutroids which entitles me to free - postage) on arivalal the Neutrolds in plain deckage “I Undersaba coy money wil Be Fe on a! 0! ie Tor ug ‘and my} fe if Ido not get a satisfactory faction from this 2 weeks treatment. oa sesvenees Wight... TIRES Earn'7§ to°300 Why. F ‘Thisieyourchance—othersare ing big money. The demand for MW our standard make teed tires — ine | cluding Goodrich, Goodyear, Fisk Sua Girostone tas trewa tee jj mensely aod we now peed repre- I] sentatives to take care of oar ¢ tomers. Beour represen l] Getters”* make big money. SPECIAL OFFE | whattcrsitecy yoo weot-and seed serial ati es 30x3 and 30x3%, $2
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"They pack us in just as tight," I ventured to remark.
The globe had begun to shoot into the air, when there came from behind me a high-pitched wail of distress, a shriller and higher sound than had ever before been heard by human ears, so the professor assured me. The chief Jupiterian had been left behind. He it was who had passed into the whisky bottle. Not content with getting the lion's share of the contents, he had surrounded the bottle, in his pleasant four-dimensional way, and now he could not get rid of it.
"Why doesn't he turn inside out again, and drop the bottle?" I asked, watching the Jupiterian with interest.
"Because your whisky has paralyzed him," answered the professor. "He is quite helpless."
I looked at the globe, which had alighted again. Each Jupiterian suddenly resumed his full size, in a brave attempt to bound to the assistance of his chief. But the creatures could no longer pass through the four-dimensional metal of which the globe was composed. So thick a layer of Chicago dust had settled upon it, that to all intents and purposes it had become three-dimensional. The sudden impact of six hundred thousand bodies caused it to burst, with a roar as of a hundred peals of thunder exploding simultaneously. The air was filled with dead and dying Jupiterians. A dark cloud settled over the landscape, composed of the flying dust shaken from the Jupiterian globe by the explosion. Long streamers of electric fire shot from the fragments of the airship, and seemed to curve in upon themselves. Everything ran in curves—the darkness, the cloud, the sounds, the shafts of light—as if bent in by the force of gravity.
I put up my hands and fought the cloud that was settling down upon me. I seemed to be covered with falling feathers, when the cloud began to lift. I found myself in my own parlor. The air was full of flying leaves, which I was madly tearing from a book and throwing toward the ceiling. The book was a treatise on the Einstein theory of space, which I had borrowed from a friend that afternoon. I had read nearly a page in it before I fell asleep.
Only twelve men in the whole world understand the Einstein theory, it is said. If I had read the book, I would have been the thirteenth, and that would be unlucky. So it is just as well that it is destroyed. But what excuse am I to give my friend for tearing up his book?