⟨The⟩ gypsies up the bacon haul, ⟨and⟩ leave the fool behind,⟨Taffy⟩, we thank thee for our swine, ⟨we⟩ can no longer stay,⟨The⟩ bacon's ours, the halter's thine, make haste and get away!⟨They⟩ cast the halter on his head, and call'd hur foolish elf,And with the bacon straight they fled, and bid hur hang himself.⟨Shame⟩ take you all, was serve hur so, ⟨hur⟩ best days now are gone,⟨Now⟩ out, alas! what shall hur do? ⟨hur⟩ now was quite undone.⟨Was⟩ find hur heart to hang hurself, was take hur as a thief;⟨More⟩ misery hur must endure, and so add grief to grief.⟨Or⟩ else was broil hur on the coals, as hur once did before, ⟨The⟩ world is full of knaves or fools, or there was never more:⟨Hur⟩ will stand here, let what will come, out-face the worst of evil: ⟨Hur⟩ will not speak, hur being dumb, was take hur for the devil: Was all bedaub'd hurself with crook, was warrant hur will scare him; And stand as still as any stick, no matter tho' hur jeer hur.