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No delays then could her brook,hur shaps so much did water;Up into the high tree hur gets,the owner came anon,Made hur almost beside hur wits,a cruel fight began;The man at hur did throw great stones,and hur did apples cast;The stones did so be hump her bones,that down hur fell at last,When hur was down mark what befel,hur hostess and hur son,Came running when their eyes were well,beholding what was done:He took hur up, was almost dead,they laughed out amain.They cuffed hur, and thus they said,was hope hur had been slain.They counsel took and did agree,more mischief did befal,They said they'd hang hur on a tree,and hur must pay for all.To 'scape from this ungodly train,it was hur chief desire,Hur cry'd out with both might and main,your houses are on fire:A gallant trick it was of hur,for to escape hur foes;A man was singing of some swine,from whence the smoke arose,