Page:Welsh Medieval Law.djvu/300

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[1]Three dadannudds of land there are ; dadannudd of car, and dadannudd of burden, and dadannudd of aration. He to whom is adjudged dadannudd of burden, has three days and three nights of rest without suit; and on the third day he gives answer, and on the ninth day judgment. He to whom is adjudged dadannudd of car, has five days and five nights rest, and on the fifth day answer, and on the ninth day judgment. He to whom is adjudged dadannudd of aration, has rest without suit until he shall turn his back upon the stack ; and on the ninth day judgment. [2]If one is entitled to dadannudd except that of the land which shall have been in the hand of his father in his lifetime and to his death. [3]Whoever shall have dadannudd adjudged to him, no one can eject him from his dadannudd except a proprietary heir ; since the second dadannudd cannot eject the first ; and one non-proprietor is not to eject another non-proprietor from his dadannudd. And if there be a dispute as to dadannudd between proprietary heirs, one cannot eject the other by law. [4]Of two lawful heirs one is proprietary heir to dadannudd of the whole and the other is not, as no one is proprietary heir to dadannudd of the whole except the eldest

  1. V 22 b 18
  2. V 23 a 4
  3. V 23 a 6
  4. V 23 a 13