Page:Welsh Medieval Law.djvu/354

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[1]Every pledge lapses at the end of the ninth day except these. Implements belonging to a church should not be pledged, and, although pledged, do not lapse. [2]A coulter and a cauldron and a fuel axe never lapse although pledged. [3]A period of a day and a year is allowed for gold and coats of mail and golden vessels when pledged. [4]The law of borrowing is to return the thing in the state it was given. Whoever shall lend is to take witnesses lest it be denied. If it be denied and the owner prove it, let him pay twofold. [5]Whoever shall promise chattels to another and shall deny it when one comes to demand them, the law of perjury is to be applied to him if he swears publicly, that is, three kine camlwrw to the king ; and let him do penance for the perjury; and the other, if he has witnesses, shall have the chattels.

[6]Whoever shall pay galanas, if the whole kindred be in the same gwlad as himself, he is to pay all by the end of a fortnight. If however the kindred be scattered in many gwlads, a period of a fortnight is allowed for every gwlad.

  1. W 87 b 9
  2. W 87 b 12
  3. W 87 b 14
  4. W 87 b 16
  5. W 87 b 20
  6. W 88 a 6