Page:Welsh Medieval Law.djvu/371

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intoxicated : sarhad done to the priest of the household ; and sarhad to the judge of the court; and sarhad to the physician of the court ; because these should not be intoxicated, as they know not what time the king may have need of them. [1]Three buffets not to be expiated :one by the lord on his man in ordering him in the day of battle and fighting ; and one by a father on his son to punish him ; and one by a chief of kindred on his relative in order to counsel him.

[2]Three women with whose heirs there is to be no pleading as to their mother's trev : a woman who is given as a hostage for land and who bears a son in her condition of hostage ; and the son of a woman who shall avenge a person of his mother's kindred and on that account lose his father's trev, and therefore there is to be no pleading with him as to his mother's trev ; and the son of a woman who is given to an alltud with the kindred's consent. [3]Three disgraces of a kindred there are, and on account of a woman the three occur : the violation of a woman against her will. The second is, bringing another woman to the house, supplanting [the wife] and driving her forth. The third is despoiling her, being more pleased

  1. V 42 b 9
  2. V 42 b 14
  3. V 42 b 22