Page:Welsh Medieval Law.djvu/382

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any of them : a horseshoe ; and a needle ; and a penny.

[1]Three persons to whom tongue-wound is to be paid : to the king ; and to the judge when considering his decision ; and to the priest in his vestments (wiſc) on the three principal festivals over his altar, or whilst reading a letter before the king, or whilst composing one. [2]Three cases in the law of Howel in which proof occurs : one of them, it belongs to a woman to prove a rape against a man. The second is, it belongs to a debtor to prove over the grave of the surety as to his being surety, and that his suretyship was not exonerated whilst he lived. The third is, the proving of a shepherd dog. [3]Three plagues of a kindred: nursing a son of a lord; and affiliating a son to a kindred wrongfully ; and guarding supreme authority (penreith). [4]Three things which destroy a contract : illness ; and a lord's necessity ; and poverty. [5]Three things which defend a person from a summons to pleadings : shouting and sound of horns against the host of a border gwlad ; and flood in a river without bridge and without skiff; and illness.

[6]Three persons to whom galanas is paid and they themselves pay no galanas : a lord,

  1. W 104 b 4
  2. W 104 b 9
  3. W 104 b 14
  4. W 104 b 17
  5. W 104 b 18
  6. W 105 a 1