Page:What Is The True Christian Religion?.pdf/15

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Let us keep in mind that "God was in Christ." and that in Christ "dwelleth all the fulness of the Deity in bodily form." and that Christ was "God over all, blessed forever." That being so there was only one God, but in two aspects. God in Himself and God in His coming forth to view. "No man hath seen God at any time: the Only-Begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath brought him forth to view." They were not two distinct persons, even though spoken of as Father and Son, but Jesus was the projection of the Father into time and space for the purpose of rescuing humanity from the grasp of hell. God projects Himself. The son horn of Mary, "the Son of Man," was a self-imposed limitation in order to enable God to face men and devils—the only possible way—in order to meet men and devils on their own plane of manifestation without destroying them, to reveal God to man and overcome the underworld through temptation combats. Jehovah was the unseen God: Jesus was Jehovah come forth to view as Saviour; not two, but one. Hear. O Israel, the Lord. thy God is One." Jehovah said. "My glory will I not give to another," and also. "I, Jehovah, am thy Redeemer and thy Saviour." The name Jesus means Jehovah as Saviour.

Let us remember two things: there never was a Son of God in the beginning more merciful than the Father, and it is incredible that God could not forgive men without the shedding of blood. A king can forgive his rebellious subjects. Why cannot God do so? Our heavenly Father would not want His children to be destroyed in hell even if they deserved it. Certainly no earthly parent would desire it, nor permit it. The eternal Decrees of God making it necessary to vindicate Divine Justice by the murder of humanity, or else the murder of the Son of God, are an absurdity.

The early Christian Church understood that the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was not to appease Divine wrath or Divine justice, as the church later came to believe, but the work of the hells in fighting God. The ransom paid was to the hells. How was this possible?