Page:What Is The True Christian Religion?.pdf/34

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There are three ways advnneed by the "Plan of Salvation" people as to the application and value of the blood.

People claim to be "under the blood," referring to the placing of the blood of the Passover lamb on the lintels of the doorposts of the Israelites to protect them from the Angel of Death who was to pas over Egypt and destroy all the firstborn of the land. The Passover lamb is thought of as a type of Jesus who was slain at Passover time and whose blood is believed to be placed mystically over the households of believers to protect individuals and families from disaster. There are Christian songs dedicated to this idea of being "Under the Blood." In these songs the idea is extended to cover the protection of those who accept the Vicarious Atonement.

Another idea of the value and use of the blood of Jesus is called being washed in the blood. in Revelation 1:5 we read: "Unto him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood." We shall consider that statement in its plate.

The third idea is the familiar one that Jesus vicariously died upon the cross, the innocent for the guilty, thus shedding His blood, in order that God might be able to forgive mankind thee penalty of their sins, which penalty is death. Jesus, they say, voluntarily submitted Himself to this ignominious and cruel death upon the cross in order to at expiate our sins, thereby making it possible for those who accept Him as substitute to be admitted into heaven. In this way, it is claimed, they are admitted into heaven, and in this way only; for, as we have previously observed, this vicarious death does not save the rest of mankind who have never heard of Jesus and His atoning death, and certainly not those who reject this offer of mercy. Under this Plan of Salvation God simply cannot exempt any from eternal death in hell who do not accept this dogma. It is only a partial escape of the human race from eternal death,