Page:What Is The True Christian Religion?.pdf/37

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that it was wrong to say so. Then he grew angry and said to me, "You listen to me. Don't you talk." My wife interposed and asked him, "Why do you take away my husband's liberty? Has he no right to express his views as well as you?" "No," he said. "I want him to listen no me. I believe in the blood. That's what the Bible talks about, the blood, the blood." He spoke like a man obsessed. I said, "What do you think about when you use the word 'blood'? Does it convey no idea to your mind?" "Never mind," he cried, "I believe in the blood. I don't want to think about it." I said to him, "Frankly, my brother, I believe you will be saved, because from our previous conversations you appear to be a spiritually-minded man, but you will be saved only because you have the will and the life of Jesus in your soul." But he went away muttering.,"It's the blood, the blood."