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What is the true Christian religion?

There is no manner of doubt in the minds of most Christians. It is the so called "Plan of Salvation," It is universally taught.

But there are some who question. Many deny the almost universally accepted Plan of Salvation. But what substitute idea have they to offer which has the powerful appal of the popular Plan of Salvation? In opposing the popular view many have lost the supernatural view of religion and of the Bible itself.

Is there any question as to the Plan of Salvation being the true teaching of the Bible,—any question, that is, worthy of being considered by honest~minded people in view of the plain teaching of the Bible?

This is only the preface to a discussion, but one may ask, "Is it necessarily true that whatever the majority of people believe is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

What about the universal idea of mankind at the time of Galileo as to the obvious fact of the rising of the sun in the east and its setting in the west? Was not the earth fixed? Did they not see with their own eyes that the earth was the center of universal life and the sun only a satellite? Did they not see the sun rise in the east and set in the west? They knew. And the church at that time proved this universal belief from the Bible. It was too obvious to be discussed. No one doubted. except a hopeless heretic who was made to recant.

Is it possible that in religion people may also be mistaken as to the "Plan of Salvation" being the true, and only true, interpretation of Christianity? This belief involves the idea of Three Divine Beings, "each of whom is by Himself God and Lord," which is obviously a belief in Three Gods, and contrary to the plain statement of Jehovah: "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah." And it involves other things which shall be discussed in that which follows.

People. and the Church, were mistaken in the time of Galileo as to the origin of day and night. Can it be possible that they are completely mistaken now about their idea of Christianity?

But let us think more about this so-called Plan of Salvation.