Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/113

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they were at peace in that village during only two weeks. Then Squirrel and Dog said to Tortoise, "Let us divide, and have peace each at our separate villages. You, Kudu, and the others can stay at this spot if you like."

Squirrel said he would remove to a place about three miles distant north. Dog went about three miles in the opposite direction. So, each had his own little hamlet.

On another day, Squirrel said to his wife, "I am going on a journey to see my friend Mbwa." He started, came to Dog's place, and entered the house. Dog welcomed him, played with him, and killed a fowl for their dinner. With Squirrel had come one of his wives.

While the women were cooking inside the house, Dog and Squirrel were sitting in the ikenga (reception-room). They were conversing there. After awhile. Dog said to Squirrel "Excuse me, I will go to see about the food." He went inside, and lay down near the fire, and Squirrel was left alone.

Dog stayed there inside the house, until the food was cooked. Then he came out to his friend, and began to set the table, while the women came in with the food, and put it on the table. Dog drew up by the table ready to eat; and Squirrel also; and Squirrel's wife, and Dog's wife also, making four at the table.

During the eating. Squirrel said to Dog, "My friend! when you left me here in the ikenga, where did you go to, the while that the women were cooking the food?" Dog answered, "Ah! my friend, you know that I like fire very much. While we were talking here, you and I, cold seized me."

Then Squirrel said, "Ah! my friend, you like fire too much; I think you will die of fire some day."

They finished the food; and after that, Squirrel prepared his return journey to his village. And he said to Dog, "My friend Mbwa, how many days before you shall come to my place?" Dog answered, "In two days, then will I come."

So, Squirrel returned to his village. His wives and children told him the daily news of what had occurred in the village while he was away. And he told them about what he had seen at Dog's. And he added, "But, there is one thing I noticed; my friend Mbwa likes fire very much."

He waited the two days; Dog came on his visit; and Squirrel killed a fowl for his guest. And he bade his woman cook