Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/152

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Tortoise asked, "What do you mean by 'stomach-ache?'" Civet answered, "'Stomach-ache' means that my bowels trouble me, and that I need to go."

Tortoise said, "Well! go! step aside from the path into the bushes, and we will wait for you here." But Civet said, "No! not in the bushes; for, I must go back to the kitchen-garden of my mother in our town." Tortoise exclaimed, "By no means! When we arranged for this journey, what did I say in the town?" They all admitted, "You said that none of us should start any affair on the way." Therefore Tortoise said, "But, you, Njâbu, have begun a new matter on the way. If so, this journey is going to end in trouble!"

Nevertheless, Civet ran rapidly back before night to his mother's kitchen-garden in his town, at the place where he usually went, while the three others sat down in the path to await his return. After a long time, Civet, having relieved himself, came again by night to his companions, saying, "I am feeling very well."

The next day, they all rose, saying, "Now! Let us resume our journey!" and they started again.

They walked, and they walked, until Boa cried, "O! my stomach! O! my stomach aches!" Then Tortoise asked him, "What is 'stomach ache'?" Boa replied, "It means that hunger has seized me." So Tortoise said, "Yes, that's right. We have with us food for the journey ready. So, come, all of you, let us all eat." But Boa said, "No! not this food. I must go and seek other food." Tortoise inquired, "What other kind of food?" Boa said, "Let me go over yonder a little way; and I shall return."

As he was going, he came in sight of a red Antelope. Boa curled his body in folds, according to his manner of crushing his prey. The Antelope happened along; and Boa seized and killed it. He covered it with saliva very much, as is its manner in swallowing its prey. And, carrying it to their camp. Boa lay down with it. Tortoise said, "We will all eat together of it." But Boa replied, "We do not give each other in the town; shall we give each other on the journey?" Then he swallowed the entire carcass. Presently he called the other three; and they went to him. And he said to them, "I have finished eating, and I am satisfied."

So, Tortoise said, "Come on, then; let us continue our