Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/159

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The Deceptions of Tortoise


Njâ (Leopard) Mbâmâ (Boa)
Kudu (Tortoise) Ngando (Crocodile)
Ngâmbi (Igwana) With Men, A Woman, and Child


A portion of this Tale seems to be a version of No. 12.

Leopard and Tortoise built together a large town. Leopard said to Tortoise, "I will live with you, but I shall not be able to eat with you; for, I am a great man, and I eat alone."

Some time after this, Tortoise went away, and married a wife. One day, his wife being hungry, he went off into the forest to seek food for her. And he found mushrooms. He gathered them; took them and returned with them to the town. There he said to his wife, "Eat!" and she ate.

Some time after this, the woman was about to become a mother. And, on another day. Tortoise went again into the forest to find food for his wife. As before, he gathered mushrooms. But, when he brought them to his wife, she said to him, "I don't like these things; the same every day!"

So, Tortoise went off again to seek food in the forest. He came near a strange town, and heard voices of Mankind talking. In fear, he hid himself, and watched what would happen. He observed that there were Men going off into the forest, with implements of search for wild animals. He saw them, but kept himself closely hidden.

When they had gone, he came out of his hiding, and went into one of these houses of Men, and sat down there. Then