Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/195

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At first we negroes had no (proper) knowledge. They spoke with wonder over the things that are made in Europe by white men. They said, "These are made by the Spirits of the dead; they are not made by the living." Because our people believed that the departed spirits have their home beyond the Sea. Why? Because Savulaka brought his wonderful Spear (by which so much ivory was obtained) from the Spirit-Town.


Dog and His False Friend Leopard


Mbwa (Dog) Ngiya (Gorilla)
Njâ (Leopard)


The origin of the hatred between dogs and leopards. Friends should not have arguments. An argument separates a company.

Dog and Leopard built a town. Dog then begot very many children. Leopard begot his many also. They had one table together. They conversed, they hunted, they ate, they drank.

One day, they were arguing: Leopard said, "If I hide myself, you are not able to see me." Dog replied, "There is no place in which you can hide where I cannot see you."

The next day, at the break of the day. Leopard emerged from his house at Batanga, and he went north as far as from there to Bahabane near Plantation. Dog, in the next morning, emerged. He asked, "Where is chum Njâ?" The women and children answered, "We do not know." Dog also started, and went: and as he went, smelling, until he