Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/197

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"Thy friend, long ago, has gone out hence, very early." Leopard returned to his house, and he said to his children, "That fellow! if I catch him! I do not know what I shall do to him!"

He started southward on the journey, as far as Lolabe; and did not see Dog. So he returned northward a few miles, as far as Boje, and did not see him. Down again south to Campo; and he did not see him. That first day, he did not find him at all. Then he returned toward Batanga, and went eastward to Nkâmakâk (about 60 miles); and he did not see him. He went on northward to Ebaluwa (about 60 miles); did not see him. Up north-west to Lokonje; he did not see him. And Leopard, wearied, went back to his town.

Coming to the bed (not knowing Dog was there) he lay down very tired. He said to his people, "If I had met him today, then you would be eating a good meat now." All these words were said in the ears of Dog, the while that Dog was underneath the bed.

Then Dog leaped out, pwa! Leopard asked, "Where have you been?" Dog answered, "I saw you when you first passed out." Leopard said, "True?" And Dog says, "Yes!"

Then Dog went out far to his end of the town. And, knowing that Leopard intended evil toward him, he said to his children, "Let us go and dig a pit." So they went and dug a pit in the middle of the road.

Then Dog told his wives and children, "Go ye before, at once!" He also said, "I and this little Mbwa, which can run so fast, we shall remain behind." Then the others went on in advance.

(Before that, Leopard, observing some movements of the Mbwa family, had been speaking to himself, "I do not know the place where Mbwa and his children will go today.")

Dog warned this young one, "When you are pursued, you must jump clear across that pit."

Then Dog, to cover the retreat of his family, came alone to Leopard's end of the town. He and his children chased after him. Dog ran away rapidly, and escaped.

When Leopard's company arrived at the house of Dog, they found there only that little dog. So they said, "Come ye! for there is no other choice than that we catch and eat this little thing."