Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/209

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gift of Njambe, the Creator. A leopard is not satisfied unless he first takes the heart of the animal he has killed.

Tortoise and Leopard built a town together. There they stayed. After they had built, they cleared plantations. Their food was only vegetables; for, they had no meat. Their hunger for meat became great. Their hunters killed nothing.

One day. Tortoise, as he went in search of food, going and penetrating in the forest, came upon the Goat of Njambe (a mythical, enormous animal) in the forest by itself, and tied. It told Tortoise who and what it was, and invited him to enter. He said to It, "Mbodi, Friend-of-Njambe! open for me your house!' The Goat opened an aperture of its body; Tortoise entered in; and It closed the aperture. Inside of the Goat, Tortoise cut pieces of fine fat, and tied them into two bundles. Then he said, "Mbodi, friend of Njambe! open for me the house!" It opened the aperture; Tortoise at once went out; and It shut it.

Tortoise returned to his town, and cut up the meat. He said to his women, "Make ready leaves for momba!" (bundles of green plantain leaves in which meats are cooked over hot coals). They at once plucked the leaves, tied up the momba, and put them over the fireplace. They set soup also on the fireplace. When it was boiled, they spread the table, sat down together, and ate.

The children of Leopard, smelling a tempting odor, came to Tortoise's end of the town. The children of Tortoise showed their food to them, saying, exultingly, "Ye! do you eat such as that?" A child of Leopard said, "Chum! let me taste it!" And he allowed him to taste it.

The children of Leopard went off hurriedly to their father, saying, "Father! such an animal as your friend has killed! Perhaps it is Ngweya; we do not know." a Then Leopard went to where Tortoise was, and he asked him, "Chum! as to this meat-hunger, what shall we do? Let us arrange for the town." Tortoise responded. "Yes, I am willing." So, in the evening, he invited his friend Leopard that he should come and eat food. Leopard came;