Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/52

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Rat was saying all this, he was near the mouth of the hole; but, as Frog approached, he receded to the bottom, and went to the back end of the cave, where cayenne pepper bushes were growing. Frog came to the edge of the hole, and looking down, saw nothing.

During this while. Rat was plucking pepper-pods and chewing them, retaining them in his mouth. Returning again to the entrance, he saw Frog still watching, and he said, "Rângi! get out of my way, and let me pass. Let me out!" Frog replied, "I will not!" Rat asked, "Do you know me? Frog replied, "Not very well," Then Rat said, "Come near! Open your eyes wide, and take a good look at me!" As soon as Frog's eyes were wide open, Rat blew the pepper into them. This so startled Frog that he fell back, his eyes blinded by the smarting; and Rat jumped out and ran away. Frog, heedless of his prisoner, was jumping about in pain; and, abandoning his post, crawled to the water of the brook not far away, and tumbled into it to wash his eyes.

Now, by this time, Leopard had returned with his fire. Seeing no one on guard, he called out, "Rângi! Rângi! where are you?" Frog, at the bottom of the brook, was still in agony with his eyes. He knew well that Rat was gone; but, in his vexation, he answered, "Ntori is there! Put in your fire!" So, Leopard put fire into the hole, and made a great smoke, but there was no sign of Rat.

After a long time, Leopard became tired at not finding Rat, and called out, "Rângi! Rângi! Where indeed is Ntori? He has not come out by this fire!" Then Frog answered, "Ntori is not there. I just lied to you in vexation of the pain I got through serving you." So, Leopard was very angry and said to Frog, "You have deceived and fooled me! I will just come and eat you up!" Said Frog, "Good! come on!"

Leopard ran to the brook, but, as Frog was at the bottom, Leopard had first to drink all the water, before he could reach him. Leopard drank and drank. But, as soon as the water was nearly drunk up. Frog jumped out, and hopped away to an adjacent pond. There Leopard followed, and began to drink up that water also. He drank, and drank, and drank, until he became so full and his belly so swollen