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Mr. JAMES LANE ALLEN'S NOVELS Each, cloth, I2tno, $1.50 The Choir Invisible This can also be had in a special edition illustrated by Orson Lowell, $2.50 u One reads the story for the story's sake, and then re-reads the book out of pure delight in its beauty. The story is American to the very core. . . . Mr. Allen stands to-day in the front rank of American novelists. The Choir In-visible will solidify a reputation already established and bring into clear light his rare gifts as an artist. For this latest story is as genuine a work of art as has come from an American hand." HAMILTON MABIE in The Outlook. The Reign of Law* A Tale of the Kentucky Hempfields "Mr. Allen has a style as original and almost as perfectly finished as Haw- thorne's, and he has also Hawthorne's fondness for spiritual suggestion that makes all his stories rich in the qualities that are lacking in so many novels of the period. . . . If read in the right way, it cannot fail to add to one's spiritual possessions." San Francisco Chronicle. The Mettle of the Pasture " It may be that The Mettle of the Pasture will live and become a part of our literature ; it certainly will live far beyond the allotted term of present- day fiction. Our principal concern is that it is a notable novel, that it ranks high in the range of American and English fiction, and that it is worth the reading, the re-reading, and the continuous appreciation of those who care for modern literature at its best." By E. F. E. in the Boston Transcript. Summer in Arcady. A Tale of Nature Cloth, $1.25 "This story by James Lane Allen is one of the gems of the season. It is artistic in its setting, realistic and true to nature and life in its descriptions, dramatic, pathetic, tragic, in its incidents; indeed, a veritable masterpiece that must become classic. It is difficult to give an outline of the story; it is one of the stories which do not outline; it must be read." Boston Daily Advertiser. Shorter Stories The Blue Grass Region of Kentucky $1.50 Flute and Violin, and Other Kentucky Tales $1-50 The Bride of the Mistletoe $1-25 A Kentucky Cardinal, Illustrated $1.00 Aftermath* A Sequel to "A Kentucky Cardinal" $1.00 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY PUBLISHEES, 64-66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YOBK