Page:While the Billy Boils, 1913.djvu/152

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'I didn't say I was going,' I'll say. 'Who told you that―or what made you think so?'

"I thought I told you on Saturday that I wouldn't want you any more," he'll say, a bit short. "I haven't got enough work to keep a man going; I told you that; I thought you understood. Didn't I give you the sack on Saturday?"

'It's no use; 'I'll say, 'that sort of thing's played out. I've been had too often that way; I've been sacked once too often. Taking the sack's been the cause of all my trouble; I don't believe in it; if I'd never taken the sack I'd have been a rich man to-day; it might be all very well for horses, but it doesn't suit me; it doesn't hurt you, but it hurts me. I made up my mind that when I got a place to suit me, I'd stick in it. I'm comfortable here and satisfied, and you've had no cause to find fault with me. It's no use you trying to sack me, because I won't take it. I've been there before, and you might as well try to catch an old bird with chaff.'

"Well, I won't pay you, and you'd better be off," he'll say, trying not to grin.

'Never mind the money,' I'll say, 'the bit of tucker won't cost you anything, and I'll find something to do round the house till you have some more work. I won't ask you for anything, and, surely to God! I'll find enough to do to pay for my grub!'

'So I'll potter round and take things easy and call up at the kitchen as usual at meal times, and by-and-bye the boss'll think to himself: "Well, if I've got to feed this chap I might as well get some work out of him."