Page:While the Billy Boils, 1913.djvu/304

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'"What are you making such a fuss about? What's the matter with you, anyway? Hey?"

And the inside dog says:

'"Who do you think you're talking to? You———! I'll———," &c., &c., &c.

Then the outside dog says:

'"Why, you're worse than a flaming old slut!"

'Then they go at it, and you can hear them miles off, like a Chinese war―like a hundred great guns firing eighty blank cartridges a minute, and the outside dog gets just as wild to get inside and eat the inside dog as the inside dog does to get out and disembowel him. Yet, if those same two dogs were to meet casually outside, they might get chummy at once, and be the best of friends, and swear everlasting mateship, and take each other home.'