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Page:While the Billy Boils, 1913.djvu/386

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By M. A. O'Callaghan, Chief of Dairy Branch, Department of Agriculture. Contains over 700 pages and more than 200 plates. Royal 8vo., cloth, 10s. (postage 5d.)

Contents: I. How to Select and Equip a Dairy Farm―II. The Dairy Herd―III. The Various Breeds of Cattle―IV. The Jersey―V. The Guernsey―VI. South Hams or South Devons―VII. The Dairy Shorthorn―VIII. Illawarra Dairy Cattle―IX. The Ayrshire―X. Holstein, Dutch, or Friesian Cattle―XI. Kerry Cattle―XII. The Dexter―XIII. Other Breeds of Dairy Cattle―XIV. Cattle Breeding―XV. How to Judge Dairy Cattle―XVI. Guenon's Escutcheon Theory―XVII. Management of the Dairy Herd―XVIII. The Feeding of Dairy Cattle―XIX. Herd Testing Associations―XX. The Microbe and the Dairy Farmer―XXI. Dairy Inspection and Cleanliness―XXII. Water for Dairy Purposes, from a Bacteriological Point of View―XXIII. Cattle Diseases―XXIV. Milking by Machinery―XXV. Cow's Milk―XXVI. Milk Standards―XXVII. The Testing of Milk and its Products―XXVIII. Separating―XXIX. Butter Manufacture―XXX. The Cause of Decomposition and the Means of Preserving Dairy Products―XXXI. Cream Grading―XXXII. Bacterial Butter Taints―XXXIII. Condensed Milk―XXXIV. Cheese Manufacture―XXXV. Margarine in Relation to Butter―XXXVI. Dairying in the Argentine―XXXVII. Siberia from a Dairying Point of View―XXXVIII. The Pig on the Dairy Farm―Appendices.

The Dairy (London): "A compendium of exact and scientific experimental knowledge which will be found of the utmost value to anyone engaged in the pursuit of dairy farming and its cognate trades…It gives in clear and unmistakeable language the whole of the dairy manipulation from beginning to end…The author has dealt with the points at issue in so general a manner that his book is of world-wide application and usefulness…An illuminating series of chapters on all phases of milk questions and problems."

The Field (London): "He knows his subject well and has rendered a service to the dairying industry by placing at its disposal a book of high instructive value and practical character."

Australasian Medical Gazette: "If medical men were to suggest that this book on dairying would be very useful to those engaged in the milk trade, in a short time much of the deplorable ignorance that now exists on the prevention of the infection of milk with all kinds of bacteria would be dispelled."