Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/199

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3. The said areas shall form part of the Province of Bombay and the boundaries of that Province shall be so altered as to comprise within them the said areas.

4. (1) The areas comprised in the Estates of Ged, Polajpur and Morvad shall form part of the district of Ahmedabad, the areas comprised in the Estates of Koprupur, Mahisa, Porda and Dana shall form part of the district of Kaira, and the said areas shall be administered accordingly.

(2) All enactments in force in any of the aforesaid districts, and all notifications, orders, schemes, rules, forms and bye-laws issued, made or prescribed under such enactments and in force in any of the aforesaid districts, shall extend to and be in force in the areas included in that district by the preceding paragraph.

5. (1) The area known as the Dangs shall for the time being form a separate district of the Province of Bombay and be administered accordingly.

(2) The Governor may, by order notified in the official Gazette of the Province, make such provision as appears to him to be necessary or expedient,

(a) for extending to the said area the application of any laws for the time being in force in the Province or any part thereof;
(b) for removing difficulties arising in connection with the absorption of the said area in the Province; and
(c) generally for the proper administration of the said area.

(3) any order made under this Article may be made so as to be retrospective to any date not earlier than the date of the commencement of this Order.

(4) Any order made under this Article shall be subject to the same powers of repeal and amendment as laws of the Provincial Legislature.

(5) No order shall be made by the Governor under this Article after the expiration of six months from the date of the commencement of this Order.

Governor General of India.

C. C. DESAI, Addl. Secy.