Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/201

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Article 4

His Highness the Maharao shall be entitled to the full ownership, use and enjoyment of all private properties (as distinct from State properties) belonging to him on the date of this agreement.

His Highness the Maharao will furnish to the Dominion Government before the 15th March, 1949 in inventory of all the immovable property, securities and cash balance held by him as such private property.

If any dispute arises as to whether any item of property is the private property of His Highness the Maharao or State property, it shall be referred to a judicial officer qualified to be appointed as a High Court Judge, and the decision of that officer shall be final and binding on both parties.

Article 5

All the members of His Highness' family, including Her Highness Maharani Regent Saheba, shall be entitled to all the personal privileges, dignities and titles enjoyed by them whether within or outside the territories of the State, immediately before the 15th day of August 1947.

Article 6

The Dominion Government guarantees the succession, according to law and custom, to the gaddi of the State and to His Higness the Maharao's personal rights, privileges, dignities and titles.

Article 7

No enquiry shall be made by or under the authority of the Government of India, and no proceedings shall lie in any Court in Sirohi, against His Highness the Maharao, whether in a personal capacity or otherwise, in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by him or under his authority during the period of his administration of that State.

Article 8

(1) The Government of India hereby guarantees either the continuance in service of the permanent members of the Public services of Sirohi on conditions which will be not less advantageous than those on which they were serving before the date on which the administration of Sirohi is made over to the Government of India or the payment of reasonable compensation.

(2) The Government of India further guarantees the continuance of pensions and leave salaries sanctioned by His Highness the Maharao to