Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/230

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residences, marriages and other ceremonies, etc., and will neither be increased nor reduced for any reason whatsoever.

The said sum may be drawn by the Raja in four equal instalments in advance at the beginning of each quarter by presenting bills at the State Treasury or at such other Treasury as may be specified by the Dominion Government.

Article 3

The                     shall be entitled to the full ownership, use and enjoyment of all private properties (distinct from State properties) belonging to him on the date of this agreement.

The                     will furnish to the Dominion Government before the 25th day of April 1948 an inventory of all the immovable property, securities and cash balances held by him as such private property.

If any dispute arises as to whether any item of property is the private property of the Raja or State property, it shall be referred to such officer with judicial experience as the Dominion Government may nominate and the decision of that officer shall be final and binding on both parties.

Article 4

The                                         shall be entitled to all personal privileges enjoyed by them whether within or outside the territories of the State, immediately before the 15th day of August 1947.

Article 5

The Dominion Government guarantees the succession, according to law and custom, to the gadi of the State and to the                     personal rights, privileges, dignities and titles.

In confirmation whereof Mr. Vapal Pangunni Menon, Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of States, has appended his signature on behalf and with the authority of the Governor-General of India and of                     of                     has appended his signature on behalf of himself, his heirs and successors.

Dated                     March 194 .

Secretary to the Government of India,
Ministry of States.