Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/238

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be taken, against the Nawab, whether in his personal capacity or otherwise, in respect of anything done by or under his authority during the period of his administration of the State.

Article IX

(1) The Government of India agree to continue in service all permanent members of the public services of the State on conditions which will not be less advantageous than those on which they were serving at the date of transfer, and if for any reason reduction of staff is found necessary to pay reasonable compensation to those affected on terms not less advantageous than in accordance with the rules of the State existing at the date of transfer.

(2) The Government of India guarantee the continuance of all pensions and leave salaries, sanctioned by competent authority of the State to members of the public services of the State who have retired or proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement and the payment of compassionate allowances granted before the date of transfer to dependants of the deceased members of those services.

Article X

No action shall be taken, and no proceedings, civil or criminal, shall be instituted, against any person in respect of any act in good faith done or omitted to be done in the execution of his duty as a servant of the State before the date of transfer.

IN CONFIRMATION WHEREOF, Mr. Vapal Pangunni Menon, Adviser to the Government of India in the Ministry of States has appended his signature on behalf and with the authority of the Governor-General of India and His Highness the Nawab of Bhopal has appended his signature on behalf of himself, his heirs and successors.


Nawab of Bhopal.


Adviser to the Government of India,

Ministry of States.