Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/264

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duties of their respective offices on the 11th day of May 1948: the said President and Senior Vice-President shall be entitled to hold office during their life-time, and the said Junior Vice-Presidents shall be entitled to hold office for a term of five years from the said date.

Article IV

(1) There shall be paid to the Raj Pramukh from the revenues of the United State a sum of Rs. 2,50,000 per year as consolidated allowance in order that he may be enabled to discharge conveniently and with dignity the duties of his office.

(2) There shall in each year be paid to the Senior Vice-President from the revenues of the United State a sum of Rs. 2,50,000 as consolidated allowance in order to enable him to discharge conveniently and with dignity the duties of his office.

(3) There shall be paid from time to time to each Junior Vice-President such allowances as the Raj Pramukh may consider appropriate to cover expenses in travelling in the discharge of such official duties as he may be directed to perform by the Raj Pramukh.

(4) If the Raj Prapaukh is, by reason of absence or illness or for any other reason, unable to perform the duties of his office, those duties shall, until he has resumed them, be performed by the Senior Vice-President. During such period the Senior Vice-President shall be entitled to the same salary, allowances and other amenities as the Raj Pramukh.

Article V

(1) There shall be a Council of Ministers to aid and advise the Raj Pramukh in the exercise of his functions except those under Article VII.

(2) The Ministers shall be chosen by, and shall hold office during the pleasure of the Raj Pramukh.

Article VI

(1) The Ruler of each Covenanting State shall, as soon as may be practicable, and in any event not later than the first day of July 1948, make over the administration of his State to the Raj Pramukh; and thereupon—

(a) all rights, authority and jurisdiction belonging to the Ruler which appertain, or are incidental, to the Government of the Covenanting State shalt vest in the United State and shall hereafter be exercisable only as provided by this Covenant or by the Constitution to be framed thereunder;