Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/287

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Article VI

(1) The Raj Pramukh of the former Rajasthan State shall make over the administration of that State on the seventh day of April 1949, to the Raj Pramukh of the United State under this Covenant.

(2) The Ruler of each new Covenanting State shall not later than the seventh duy of April 1949, make over the administration of his State to the Raj Pramukh; and thereupon:—

(a) All rights, authority and jurisdiction belonging to the Ruler which appertain or are incidental to the Government of the Covenanting State shall rest in the United State and shall thereafter be exercisable only as provided by this Covenant or by the Constitution to be framed thereunder;
(b) all duties and obligations of the Ruler pertaining or incidental to the Government of the Covenanting State shall devolve on the United State and shall be discharged by it; and
(c) all the assets and liabilities of the Covenanting State shall be the assets and liabilities of the United State.

(3) When in pursuance of any such agreement of integration as is referred to in clause (b) of paragraph (1) of Article II, the administration of any other State is handed over to the Raj Pramukh, the provisions of clauses (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph (2) of this Article shall apply in relation to such State as they apply in relation to a Covenanting State.

Article VII

(1) The military forces, if any, of the former Rajasthan State and of each new Covenanting State shall, es from the date on which the administration of such State is made over to the Raj Pramukh, become the military forces of the United State.

(2) Subject to any directions of instructions that may from time to time be given by the Government of India in this behalf the authority to raise, maintain and administer the military forces of the United State shall vest exclusively in the Raj Pramukh.

(3) Unless other provision is made by an Act of the Legislature of the United State, the right to resume Jagirs or to recognise succession, according to law and custom, to the rights and titles of the Jagirdars shall vest exclusively in the Raj Pramukh.