Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/309

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7. (1) All liabilities in respect of such loans, guarantees and other financial obligations of the Dominion Government as arise out of the governance of a merged State, including in particular the liability for the payment of any sums to the Ruler of the merged State on account of his privy purse or to other persons in the merged State on account of political pensions and the like, shall, as from the appointed day, be liabilities of the absorbing Province, unless the loan, guarantee or other financial obligation is relatable to central purposes.

(2) A certificate of the Dominion Government signed by a Secretary to that Government shall be conclusive as to whether any loan, guarantee or other financial obligation arising out of the governance of a merged State is relatable to central purposes.

8. Without prejudice to the special provisions contained in Article 7, any contract made or deemed to be made before the appointed day by, or on behalf of, the Dominion for purposes connected with the governance of a merged State shall, as from that day, have effect as if it had been made by, or on behalf of, the absorbing Province, unless it is wholly or in part for central purposes.

9. Any proceedings which, if this Order had not been made, might lawfully have been brought in a merged State by or against the Dominion shall, in the case of any liability arising before the appointed day or arising under any contract made before that day, be brought—

(a) by or against the Dominion, if the proceedings could have been brought by or against the Dominion had the liability arisen after the appointed day or, as the case may be, arisen under a contract made after the appointed day, and
(b) otherwise, by or against the absorbing Province.

10. If, immediately before the appointed day, any proceedings are pending in a merged State to which the Dominion is a party and if those proceedings would have been brought by or against the absorbing Province under Article 9 had they been brought after the appointed day, the absorbing Province shall be deemed to be substituted in those proceedings for the Dominion, and the proceedings shall continue accordingly.

11. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Fifth Schedule to the Government of India Act, 1935—

(a) the total of seats in the Legislative Assemblies of the Provinces specified below shall be as follows:—
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