Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/317

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(ii) in cases where such appeals would, before that day, have lain, under the law in force in Rampur, to any other existing Civil Court, lie to the corresponding Court established under this Article;
(m) any appeal from an order passed in a criminal case, but not appealed against before the appointed day, shall—
(i) if it is an appeal against an order passed by a magistrate and the appeal would, before such date, have lain under the law in force in Rampur to the High Court of Rampur, lie to the Sessions Judge, Rampur;
(ii) if it is an appeal against an order passed by the High Court of Rampur in the exercise of its original criminal jurisdiction, lie to the High Court at Allahabad;
(n) nothing contained in clauses (l) and (m) shall be construed to extend the period of limitation to which any such appeal may be subject on the day immediately before the appointed day;
(o) all decrees passed and orders made before the appointed day by the High Court of Rampur or by any of the existing Civil Courts and all sentences or orders passed in the exercise of criminal jurisdiction by the High Court of Rampur shall be deemed, for the purpose of execution, to have been passed or made by the corresponding court established under and in accordance with the provisions of this Article;
(p) in so far as this Article makes no provision or insufficient provision, the High Court at Allahabad may make such order for the transfer of suits, cases or proceedings pending before the High Court of Rampur or an existing Civil Court to itself or to any Court in Rampur subordinate to it, and where any case, suit or proceeding is so transferred, the Court to which it is transferred shall hear and dispose of the same as if it had been a case, suit or proceeding transferred to it, in accordance with the law for the time being in force; and
(q) the abolition of the Ijlas-e-Humayun, the High Court of Rampur or the existing Civil Courts under clause (c) of this Article shall not prejudice or affect the continued operation of any notice served, injunction issued, direction made or proceedings taken before the appointed day by such Ijlas or Court under the powers then conferred upon it.