Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/352

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3. (1) As from the appointed day, every enclave specified in the First Schedule shall cease to form part of the surrendering unit, and shall be included in, and form part of, the absorbing unit.

(2) The boundaries of each of the surrendering units specified in the First Schedule shall be so altered as to exclude from them the enclaves therein specified under it; and the boundaries of each of the absorbing units therein specified shall be so altered as to comprise within them the enclaves therein specified under it.

4. As from the appointed day,—

(a) every enclave specified in the Second Schedule shall cease to form part of the surrendering unit, and the boundaries of that unit shall be so altered as to exclude from them that enclave; and
(b) every such enclave shall be administered in all respects by the absorbing unit as if it formed part of that unit.

5. As from the appointed day every enclave specified in the Third Schedule shall be administered in all respects as if it formed part of the absorbing unit.

6. All property and assets within an enclave which, immediately before the appointed day, vested in the Government of the surrendering unit shall, as from that day, vest in the Government of the absorbing unit.

7. All rights, liabilities and obligations, whether arising out of a contract or otherwise, of the Government of a surrendering unit in relation to an enclave shall, as from the appointed day, be the rights, liabilities and obligations, respectively, of the Government of the absorbing unit.

8. All laws in force in an enclave immediately before the appointed day shall, as from that day, cease to be in force in that enclave, and all laws in force in the absorbing unit shall, as from that day, extend to, and be in force in, that enclave:

Provided that anything done or any action taken under the laws in force in the enclave before the appointed day shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding law extended to, and in force in, that enclave as from the appointed day.

Explanation:—In this article "law" includes any Act, Ordinance or Regulation, and any notification, order, schedule, rule, form or bye-law issued, made or prescribed under any Act, Ordinance or Regulation.

9. (1) The Government of each of the absorbing units shall, by order notified in the official Gazette, provide for the administration of the enclaves, either by constituting them or any part of them into one or more