Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/372

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Agreement made this tweentieth day of January 1950 between the Rajpramukh of the United State of Rajasthan and the Rajpramukh of the United State of Madhya Bharat.

Whereas certain small areas forming part of the United State of Rajasthan are surrounded on all sides by the territories of the United State of Madhya Bharat and certain small areas forming part of the United State of Madhya Bharat are surrounded on all sides by the territories of the United State of Rajasthan;

And whereas it is in the best interests of the people of the said areas that a mutual exchange of these enclaves should be effected;

It is hereby agreed, with the concurrence of the Government of India, as follows:—

Article I

In this Agreement,—

  1. "Madhya Bharat" means the United State of Madhya Bharat;
  2. "Rajasthan" means the United State of Rajasthan;
  3. "enclaves in Madhya Bharat" means the area specified in the First Schedule to this Agreement being areas now forming part of Rajasthan but surrounded on all sides by the territories of Madhya Bharat;
  4. "enclaves in Rajasthan" means the areas specified in the Second Schedule to this Agreement, being areas now forming part of Madhya Bhart, but surrounded on all sides by the territories of Rajasthan.

Article II

As from the 24th day of January 1950,—

  1. the enclaves in Madhya Bharat shall cease to form part of Rajasthan and shall become part of Madhya Bharat, and
  2. the enclaves in Rajasthan shall cease to form part of Madhya Bharat and shall become part of Rajasthan.

Article III

As from the aforesaid day,—

  1. all property and assets within the enclaves in Madhya Bharat