Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/380

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commencement, supersede and abrogate all other constitutional provisions inconsistent therewith which are at present in force in this State.

(2) I further declare that the above decision which I have taken after mature consideration in order to ensure for the people of Hyderabad the benefits of an honourable partnership in a united and democratic India, shall, in view of its far-reaching consequences, be subject to ratification by the people of this State whose will as expressed through the Constituent Assembly of the State proposed to be constituted shortly must finally determine the nature of the relationship between this State and the Union of India, as also the Constitution of the State itself.





This twenty-fifth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, in the tenth year of my rule.

Whereas by a Proclamation dated the 29th October, 1947, I ordained that my Ministery should set up a Constituent Assembly composed of elected Representatives of the people and entrust it with the task of framing of a Constitution Bill for the State of Mysore;

And whereas the Constituent Assembly so set up has recommended that in the Constitution of India now being framed by the Constituent Assembly of India which includes duly appointed representatives of this State, there should be incorporated such constitutional provisions as are approved by that body for, and in relation to the governance of this State, and that the constitution so framed should be adopted by this State;

I now hereby ordain—

That the Constitution of India shortly to be adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India shall be the Constitution for the State of Mysore as for the other parts of India, and shall be enforced as such by me, my heirs and successors in accordance with the tenor of its provisions;

That the provisions of the said Constitution shall, as from the date of its commencement, supersede and abrogate all other constitutional provisions inconsistent therewith which are at present in force in this State;