in Ireland. He cowed all his eleven children but me. Me he couldn't cow." She shook her head triumphantly, then was transported by rage. "To think that I should bring another like him into the world!"
"Thanks for nothing!" retorted the master of Jalna. "You didn't bring me into the world."
"Didn't bring you into the world!" she cried. "You dare contradict me? If I didn't bring you into the world, I should like to know who did!"
"You forget," he returned, "that you are my father's mother, not mine."
"Well, I should like to know who you'd have been without your father! An English gentleman, and your mother only a poor flibbertigibbet governess."
His face was nearly as red as hers. "Now you're confusing me with his second family. My mother was Dr. Ramsay's daughter. Surely you don't forget how you hated her."
"Haramzada!" added Boney, rocking on his perch. "Iflatoon! Iflatoon!"
Nicholas broke in, rumblingly: "Stop baiting her, Renny! I won't have it. Look at the colour of her face, and remember that she's over a hundred."
His mother turned on him. "Look at the colour of your own face! You're only envious that you haven't our hot blood. What we want is to have our quarrel out in peace."
"It's very bad for you, Mama," said Ernest.
"Go on with your bead-stringing, ninny!" ordered his mother.
Augusta cried: "Can we never discuss anything without dissension?"
"Would you serve beef without mustard?" replied the old lady.
"I wonder," observed Wakefield, "if Finch will get into the crime wave they're having in that country. Rags was telling me about it."
"The child has touched the keynote of the matter," said Augusta. "Finch will be sure to come under some bad influence if he is left in New York. How could